Puppy Rules?

Puppy Rules?

As a trainer, there are a lot of recommendations I give my clients – especially with puppies – to make their life a little easier. The real question is, what advice do I ignore when it comes to my personal dogs and why (I might just be slightly...

The Monster in the Room: Dog Reactivity Explained

Storytime with Shanthi kiddos.  Got another one for you.   Question: How do I get my dog to stop barking at (insert thing here like cars, people, dogs)?  I scold them for it and tell them to ignore it but they won’t stop. Are you afraid of anything? ...

Dog Training: Intuition or Protocols?

I had two separate clients talking about playing fetch with their dogs today. They both have the issue that their dog won’t let the ball go or let them get it to throw again.  Both dogs also have an issue with being easily aroused (read that however you want...