Hit the trails!
Hiking season is upon us! We're all coming out of hibernation to enjoy the paved and off road trails all around the region. For many of our dogs, it's a time to get out and explore with their owners. Keep in mind they've been cooped up, like us, all winter long and...
Rainy Day Games
"EEGADS it's raining!! We can't go outside we may DIE" - Strega & Henry That seems to be the tone for all dogs this morning. So I wanted to share with you some things we do in our home to manage the cabin fever on really rainy days. For potty walks, grab that...
Happy Groomer/Vet visits!
Save the date and join Shanthi to learn about simple techniques you can do at home to make vet and groomer visits easier for you and the provider! Registration required for this free event When: April 1st, 2017 10:00am-11:30 Where: Mount Sequoyah Retreat, Martin...
A thinking dog?
Yesterday I had the joy of watching a dog THINK her way through a situation to get what she wanted. Sweet Ziva, a 12 month old doodle, is a wonderful loved family pet. She's beautifully behaved on leash and the family loves nearly everything about her. "Nearly"...
Foundation Skills
What are "foundation skills"? At NWA School for Dogs, we consider foundation skills to be those skills required for you and your dog to have a harmonious and happy life together. Simple skills like: what's your name? leave it sit down come walking politely on a leash...
“Train Happy” philosophy
Dogs are emotional just like people. We've all seen it. One dog will be happy, confident and outgoing while another is reserved and almost fearful. As a Karen Pryor Academy Certified Training Partner (KPA-CTP) I have the skills to train the dog in a manner that they...
Puppy Training Tips
Over the last 20 years of training and raising dogs, I've come up with the following top tips for how to help you and your puppy transition to a life of harmony. Have realistic expectations. If your pup is only 10 weeks old let's not expect a perfect pup. ...
Holiday Travel
Travelling with your dog? Each year we have the opportunity to visit with family either in our own homes or away. Many of us are lucky that our dogs are welcome along for the festivities. Here's a few travel tips to keep your furry friend safe while travelling Keep...
Drop Off Training
Coming soon Part day-training Part day-care All fun
I’m Bored!!!
Does this dog look happy? This is my dog Strega. She's bored. We've heard that phrase our whole lives from children, friends and family. Heck, I'm guilty of saying it myself! So, how do you know if you're dog is bored? What are your options when you know you don't...