Cueing Behaviors

What is a cue When we’re talking about dog training, a cue is essentially anything that elicits a behavior from an animal – it can be something in the environment, a physical movement you do, or a word you say to them.  When to add a verbal cue We don’t...

Adolescence Survival Guide

Puppies are great! Adorable little sponges that (typically) want to be near you instead of venturing far away, learn new behaviors fairly quickly, recall pretty well, and seem to learn so much in those first few precious months home. And then they hit 6 months and...

Top 5 Reasons to Crate Train Your Dog

By Rachel Moseley 1. Potty Training When you are house training a dog, the most important thing you can do is control their access and therefore their ability to make mistakes (have accidents) on your nice floors. One of the ways to do this is by utilizing a crate...

Leash Foundations

*This was written many years ago when the school was at a facility with cement floors that we could use sidewalk chalk on.  Nowadays, our high tech waterproof floors don’t work with chalk so we ask our students stand perfectly still and reward their dog for paws...
Engage Disengage

Engage Disengage

One of my favorite techniques for working with reactive dogs is this lovely, easy to follow, technique called “Engage-Disengage”. I generally recommend starting reactive dogs with classical conditioning when they are around the stimuli that causes an...